
Recent Lets on the web page gives details of the properties previously let once the new tenancy has actually been set up. This will be some weeks after the property was advertised but can help applicants see how long they may have to wait for the size of property they want in the locations of choice. Applicant’s personal details will not be included.
The feedback given will include:

  • Property size and type.

  • Property location.

  • Number of Applicants who applied for each property.

  • Band of successful applicant.

  • Effective date/ Band start date of successful applicant.

Using this information, Applicants will be able to see where properties are more likely to become available and where they may have the best chances of making a successful bid in order to help them make an informed evaluation of their housing options.

To understand how to use the feedback from your previous bids to improve your chances of being re-housed, it's useful to know how we prioritise bids:

  1. We give first priority to people who have a local connection to the area where the property is located

  2. Secondly, we give priority to people in the greatest housing need (starting with Emergency through to Bronze Band)

  3. Finally, we give priority to those who have been in housing need the longest (your priority date).

(Sometimes a local lettings policy will make slight changes to the above - see the property advert for more details).

Your Previous Bids

If you login and go to your account page, you'll be able to see feedback on your previous bids. If you click on 'show all previous bids', you'll see a detailed breakdown of the properties you have placed bids upon, and what the outcome was:

  • Bids - how many expressions of interest were received for the property

  • Your Rank - your general position on the shortlist

  • Offered/Let Band - the priority band of the person who has been offered the property

  • Offered/Let Priority - the priority date of the person who has been offered the property.

Understanding the Feedback

When you look at the feedback for properties that have been let, you will be able to compare your priority band and priority date with that of the successful bidder. This will help you understand whether you are likely to be successful if you bid for the same type of property in the same area.
How can this information help you?
You may wish to use this information to help you think about your housing options and how you make bids in the future.

Example 1:
You could bid for properties of different types and areas that attract fewer bidders.
Example 2:
If an applicant who was offered the property was in the same Band as you, note the priority date. This may give some idea of how long you may be waiting for a property of this type in a similar location.
Example 3:
You will be able to see in some instances B and C applicants may never be offered certain property types and areas. If you are in one of these bands, you may wish to consider your other housing options. Contact your Landlord's Lettings team to discuss this.