Local Connection and name of scheme here
In some areas we take local connection into account when we decide who to offer the property to. Sometimes we give priority to people who have a local connection to the area where the property is.
Who has a local connection?
You may have a local connection to an area if:
- you have lived in the area for the last six months or more
- you have previously lived in an area for three out of the last five years
- you have permanent (not seasonal or temporary) employment in an area
- you have family members (parents, siblings or children) who have lived in the area for the last five years
Local lettings plans
Sometimes a local lettings plan will override the normal local connection criteria. Where this is used, it will be clearly stated in the advert.
See the Local Lettings Plans and Planning Restrictions page for more details.
Section 106 Agreements
Sometimes a property may be linked to a Section 106 agreement, this is a legal agreement agreed to when those properties were originally given permission to be built. If local connection criteria is specified in one of these documents it will override the normal criteria. Where this is used it will be clearly stated in the advert.
Further information
See Abri or Housing Solutions' Allocations Policy for further information about local connection.